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More sustainable outdoor life

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We work to inspire and facilitate sustainable nature and hiking experiences. We do this through the travel agency "Bergans Adventures" and in collaboration with our partners and local communities.

Tour partner – The Norwegian Tourist Association

The Norwegian Tourist Association (DNT) is Norway's largest outdoor recreation organization with over 300,000 members. The organization consists of 57 member associations with associated local teams. DNT works to promote a simple, active, versatile and environmentally friendly outdoor life and to preserve nature and cultural values.

Bergans and DNT are not just partners, we are travel friends and travel partners. Through support for DNT mountain sports, the goal is to get as many people as possible out on a trip, and enjoy nature and outdoor life, as well as contribute to giving the most people good hiking experiences.

Correct clothing is a prerequisite for good nature experiences under conditions that can sometimes be challenging in the Norwegian mountains. Through the collaboration with the Tourist Association and the organization's members, Bergans receives important feedback that contributes to creating the best possible equipment for trips in forests and mountains.

Bergans offers products to employees, shop stewards, tour leaders and volunteers in DNT. Bergans also has its own clothing collection for DNT mountain sports.


Official clothing partner of the Swedish Outdoor Association

Bergans is the official clothing supplier to Friluftsfrämjandet

Bergans and the Swedish Friluftsfrämjandet share a long history with similar values ​​and the same goal of inspiring and enabling experiences in nature and an active lifestyle. We share the joy of hiking! The collaboration began in 2014.

Friluftsfrämjandet offers Sweden's largest selection of outdoor activities and promotes an active outdoor life before everyone else, regardless of whether it happens in organized form or on your own. Friluftsfrämjandet has more than 80,000 active members and 8,000 tour guides for e.g. children's activities, skiing, kayaking, skating, hiking, cycling and mountain tours.



Bergans is a member of the trade organization European Outdoor Conservation Association (eoca). We actively support their work in financing various projects for the conservation of natural areas and biological diversity.

EOCA was founded in 2006. They rely on fundraising from players in the European sports and outdoor industry to preserve and protect the nature we depend on. There are currently 130 members in the association. Since its inception, eoca has raised over €1.54 million. Every single euro has gone directly to conservation projects chosen by members and the general public.

Bergans was one of the first members of EOCA, ​​and every year has supported the organization with funding and active participation. In 2013 we were named EOCA Conservation Champions. Polfarer Rune Gjeldnes, is an official EOCA Ambassador.

Currently, EOCA has chosen to focus on combating plastic litter. You can find more information on EOCA's website outdoorconservation.eu.